Dental Implants In Burbank Can Permanently Replace Missing Teeth

by | Aug 10, 2021 | Dentistry

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Have you been thinking about improving your smile? Are you missing teeth? Do you wear dentures? If the answer is yes, Dental Implants in Burbank can help. Dental implants are permanent and will resemble the natural teeth you already have. There’s no need to take them in and out to clean like you need to do with dentures or a bridge. They are a permanent solution for the replacement of missing teeth. They have been growing in popularity and can be used to help secure dentures in place.

The loss of a tooth can cause the other teeth to shift and cause difficulty with properly chewing food or speaking. When a tooth is lost, the other teeth will begin to shift and can cause jaw pain or headaches. This shifting can be eliminated through the use of Dental Implants in Burbank. Dental implants can improve an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. Constantly covering your mouth when you laugh or smile will be a thing of the past when a Dental Implants in Burbank completes your smile. The implant will be designed to be the same size, shape, and color as the other teeth, and no one will know it’s an implant.

An implant will usually take two or three visits to a dentist. The dentist will have to evaluate the condition of the jaw bone. A small incision will be placed in the gums. The dentist will make a tiny hole in the jaw bone to install a titanium post. A temporary crown will be placed on the post until healing of the gums and bone is complete. You will return to the dentist’s office for a permanent crown to be attached to the post. The dentist will ensure you do not have any discomfort or pain during the procedure. When the permanent crown is attached to the post, the dental implant will be complete and permanent.

Oak Lawn Smiles Family Dentistry offers their patients the ability to improve with a smile with dental implants and many other cosmetic procedures. They can straighten your teeth or repair chipped or discolored teeth with non-invasive procedures. Their friendly, caring and compassionate staff is always available to answer any questions you have and offer outstanding service.

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