I Need a Dentist that offers Sedation Dentisty Glendale AZ

by | May 13, 2013 | Cosmetic Dentistry

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When I was a kid I would strut in front of a mirror singing and acting. I thought I was going to grow up and be the most famous person in the world. I was going to have long flowing blond hair and perfect teeth. Neither of the two came true. I grew up to be a single twenty something woman hating how she looked. I had decent enough hair, but my teeth were awful. I would still be in front of the mirror but I would be staring at the giant gap in my teeth.

That was years ago, today I am confident and strutting in front of mirrors again. I received Cosmetic Dentistry to fix the gap in my teeth. Receiving the help with my gap absolutely changed my life. I know have the confidence to date, and have recently landed my dream job.

Cosmetic dentistry walked me thru the entire process. They explained everything step by step while creating this great smile. I received veneers to fill in my gap and covered the remaining teeth that were cracked and decaying. I felt very comfortable during the procedure because of Sedation Dentistry Glendale AZ. This dentist made sure that I felt no discomfort and was relaxed the entire time.

After all of my teeth were straight and looked good I decided to get them whitened. This process is simply when your dentist applies a base to your teeth that remove stains. We all have discolored teeth. Tea, coffee and smoking all can cause stains. After a few whitening treatments, I have an amazing smile that gives me the courage to challenge myself and reach my goals. I wonder what my life would be like if I would have discovered that I could fix my teeth years ago. I think of all the memories I missed because I was embarrassed of my teeth.

I am proud of myself now and am so appreciative of what my dentist has done for me. I never imagined getting my teeth fixed would be such a dramatic change in my life. I walk all of the time now, strutting!


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