Dental problems come in various shapes and sizes, as well as pain levels. When a Fort Myers FL area patient has tooth pain, it could be from a variety of reasons. One of the most common is an infected nerve. Other reasons could include gum disease, a broken tooth with exposed nerve, or sensitive teeth due to the enamel being weak. In many cases, there are a variety of procedures a dentist can perform to help fix or protect the tooth. Unfortunately for many patients, however, they tend to wait until the last second before actually going in to visit a dentist to get these procedures that could save their tooth. This can result in not just the tooth’s original problem increasing in severity significantly, but could also end in the loss of the tooth itself.
One of the most common procedures that a dentist will use to protect and repair a tooth is a Dental Veneer in Fort Myers, FL. Dental veneers are basically covers that slide over and seat to a tooth once it has been shaped properly to hold the veneer. Unlike a crown, veneers do not cover the entire tooth, usually only covering the front to help reform the smile the patient once had as a cosmetic feature, while protecting what is underneath it. Veneers look more natural than crowns, especially since a Dental Veneer in Fort Myers, FL is smaller in size than most porcelain crowns. Porcelain crowns are still being used today, for teeth that have to be chiseled down to their smallest size in order to save them. Veneers, on the other hand, can be used without shaving a tooth down to its bare minimum, enabling the dentist to keep the original tooth’s enamel as much as possible.
Unfortunately for many patients, once a tooth requires a veneer, others around it will too in most cases. This is because tooth decay spreads, especially when gum disease is a factor. Enamel can break down for a variety of reasons, usually due to diets consisting of high sugars and dark liquids like coffee and tea. Veneers are much stronger than enamel, and often will take longer to stain from these dark liquids or break down from the sugars found in diets. To learn more, visit Fort Myers Laser Dentistry.