Although most patients in Tulsa think of cavities when thinking about dental problems, gum disease can be serious as well. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a major concern for those who practice Dentistry Tulsa OK. If this condition is left untreated, the patient’s gum tissue will decrease even though the gum tissue will look swollen. Eventually, there will not be sufficient gum tissue to support the teeth. That will result in the loss of the teeth. In general, it is not possible to regain lost gum tissue. That is why it is important for dentists to diagnose periodontal disease as soon as possible. It is also important for patients with this condition to get treatment as soon as possible in order to avoid losing more gum tissue.
It is relatively easy to diagnose gum disease. If the patient has swollen gum tissue, that is a classic sign of periodontal disease. Bleeding in the gum tissue is another classic sign of periodontal disease. If the patient mentions that there is some bleeding when brushing, that is another hint to the dentist at Southard Dental that the patient may have gum disease.
Once the dentist suspects there is gum disease, he or she will use a probe to measure the depth of the pockets between the teeth and the gum tissue. Depending on these measurements, the dentist can determine the severity of the periodontal disease.
Those who practice Dentistry Tulsa OK have many different treatment options that can be offered to patients. Most patients will need a deep cleaning, which is similar to a regular cleaning. However, a deep cleaning involves cleaning below the gum line. That will require local anesthetic. Another option is for patients to take a low dose antibiotic in order to help the body fight the bacteria that is accumulating in the gum tissue. More frequent regular cleans are often advised by dentists as well. If advanced gum disease is found, it may be necessary to have a periodontist close the pockets in the gum tissue surgically. Gum surgery does not involve hospitalization, but it will take a few days for patients to recover.
With many treatment options available, patients should not assume the worst if diagnosed. However, it is important to get treatment so that the remaining gum tissue can be saved. Click here for more details.