What You Should Know About Sedation Dentistry

by | Dec 1, 2014 | Cosmetic Dentistry

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There are many people who forgo dental treatment for fear of the pain they imagine it will cause. Are you among those who are so afraid of the dentist office that you avoid receiving the help you need? Are you suffering because you fear that whatever the dentist does is going to cause you more pain than you are already experiencing? You may be happy to know that there is a way for you to get the treatment you need without the concern of excruciating pain. This is possible through sedation dentistry. In Roseville, sedation dentistry is fairly common. This method can be used for simple to more complex procedures.

Levels of Sedation

The dentist uses medication to help the patient relax while they are receiving dental care. The medication does not make the patient fall asleep. It is simply used to help patients relax while they are in the dentist care. There are levels of sedation:

• Deep sedation- The patient is almost unconscious but not completely
• Moderate sedation -The patient is not able to remember a lot about the procedure they received from the dentist
• Minimal sedation- Relaxed but awake

Various Types of Sedation

• Oral sedation
Oral sedation is either minimal or moderate. With minimal sedation, the patient is given a pill roughly an hour before their dental procedure. Although the pill makes the patient drowsy, they are still awake. If moderate sedation is necessary, the dentist will give provide a larger dosage. Many patients are actually drowsy enough, during moderate sedation, to fall asleep. This is the most common sedation dentistry in Roseville area.
• Minimal sedation
The patient will breathe nitrous oxide through a mask. The gas is capable of making them feel more relaxed. The dentist controls just how much sedation each patient actually requires. Nitrous oxide doesn’t typically last for too long.
• Moderate sedation
This form is administered through an IV. The dentist is able to continue adjusting the levels, as needed.
• Deep sedation
This procedure usually puts the patient to sleep. Although, not always.
• General sedation
This puts the person completely to sleep and does not easily wear off.

In addition to any of the above-mentioned sedation methods, a patient will generally receive local anesthetic. The local anesthetic numbs the area of your mouth that the dentist is working on. The type of sedation offered to you will be discussed with you prior to your receiving it.

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